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Scripting Automation

Code on laptop

Some processes are best automated with standalone scripts. These scripts use languages such as Python, JavaScript, Visual Basic, and Google Apps Script to process data and interact with an application.


Scripts are best suited for automating basic digital processes like data analysis and data manipulation. Certain applications, like Microsoft and Google, have their own native scripting language to automate tasks within their applications. For example, Visual Basic can be used to perform operations in Excel spreadsheets, and Apps Script can do the same thing in Google Sheets. These tools even allow users to record their steps and automatically generate a script (called a macro) to perform the same actions again.

Scripts are the most cost-effective method of automating (being essentially free), but they require experience and knowledge of programming to write and customize them. Additionally, scripts are often limited to the scope of the application they are run in, so it can be challenging to transfer data between applications using scripts alone.

How I use scripts

When automating for myself, I use scripts whenever possible because they are inexpensive and extremely customizable. However, they require programming knowledge to troubleshoot, so they are harder to maintain for a non-technical user. When automating for my clients, I tend to lean more towards no- or low-code interfaces that are easier to use and understand.


However, a process may require very fine-grained logic to perform complex steps. In this case, scripting can be a viable solution for automation, and I may choose to automate a sub-step of the process with a script. This allows me to leverage the customizability of scripts while automating most of the process with simpler and easier methods.

How I can help you

Most small business owners don't have the programming knowledge to develop scripts for automation. Applications like Excel provide the ability for non-technical users to record and execute macros, but these recorded macros can only perform the exact same operations and cannot handle varying inputs or conditions. Logic must be designed and written in scripts to provide more dynamic behavior of an automation. Additionally, macros generally cannot automate across multiple worksheets or workbooks. In these cases, more advanced programming techniques are necessary to achieve the desired automation outcome.


By hiring me, I can recognize when scripts are a viable option for automation, which saves you from purchasing costly subscriptions for tools that accomplish the same thing. I can also develop the scripts for you and show you how they work. Ultimately, experience and knowledge are essential if you want to use scripts to automate your processes. Hiring a skilled professional like me to develop your scripts will ensure your automations function optimally and as intended for your business.

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